

Our success and the success of our Clients is based on the quality of services that we can provide thanks to the competence, commitment and work of Our Team. Therefore, training future lawyers is one of our tasks.
Our Law Firm offers internship and employment places for young lawyers who want to specialise and practice the legal profession.

Jobs – offers

Working in our Team is a satisfaction and development. We guarantee a variety of issues, the possibility of specialization and plenty of challenges. Find out more about our job offers, internships, student internships and current recruitments.

See our offerts


We appreciate and support our lawyers and employees, providing them not only with participation in interesting and difficult legal cases, but also with the possibility of continuous education. Our Team is an environment that supports development and, cooperation and the realization of a long career in our Team.


We invest in people, but we do not forget about a friendly workplace. Our new office in Wrocław at 43/1 Piłsudskiego Street is a modern interior in a historic tenement, which combines elegance and independance. We provide our Clients with full discretion and our employees with a comfortable workplace.

"nowoczesne biuro"

Job Offers