

Poland's membership in European structures and its participation in international agreements also gives it the opportunity to assert its rights before international courts.

The European Court of Human Rights, based in Strasbourg (ECtHR), is an international court that has been established to hear complaints from persons claiming that their rights guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and Additional Protocols 1, 4, 6, 7 and 13 have been infringed.

The Court of Justice of the European Union, based in Luxembourg (CJEU), has become one of the most effective EU bodies to protect the rights of individuals in disputes with Member States. Cases decided by the CJEU may be brought, inter alia, on the basis of a complaint by the European Commission, but also by application for a preliminary ruling, where, at the request of an individual, a legal question concerning the interpretation of EU law may be submitted to the CJEU by a national court. CJEU judgments often give rise to favourable decisions for individuals, particularly where national law is shown to be contrary to EU law.

EU law requires that an individual be represented in proceedings by a professional lawyer – advocate or attorney-at-law. Our Law Firm has experience in representing natural persons and legal entities in proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Court of Human Rights. We have represented the Complainants, both in cases caused by direct complaints and in proceedings concerning preliminary questions posed by Polish courts.

ECtHR/CJEU – what we do:

  • conduct a legal audit of the case in terms of admissibility and procedure for initiating proceedings before the ECtHR/CJEU,
  • draw up a direct complaint or a request to initiate preliminary ruling proceedings before the ECtHR/CJEU,
  • represent the Complainant in the proceedings and at the hearing before the ECtHR/CJEU.

Contact us for more information.